Sent – Mot Spadla – Piz Spadla – Alp Spadla (Circular Route)

22.5 km
10:00 h
1492 Hm
1492 Hm
Piz Spadla
Piz Spadla

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Piz Spadla
Hike with spectacular views to Sent’s local mountain Piz Spadla.
Technik 5/6
Kondition 6/6
Höchster Punkt  2921 m
Tiefster Punkt  1435 m
Beste Jahreszeit
PostBus stop Sent, Sala
PostBus stop Sent, Sala
46.81727, 10.336345



From the PostBus stop Sent, Sala you initially walk through roads lined with beautiful Engadine houses via the village centre Plaz to the north-eastern exit of Sent. Cross the meadows above Sent on a dirt road and walk through a wooded area to the Telf farmsteads. After entering the Val Spadla high valley, before Spadla Alp, the path turns right towards the ridge of the Spadla mountain range. Over several hairpin bends you quickly gain altitude and finally reach Mot Spadla above the avalanche barriers. On the ridge the hike becomes a little more difficult technically and requires some concentration. However, you can no longer miss your destination; on the ridge with views of Val Sinestra you soon reach the summit. Due to its height and exposed position, you enjoy a magnificent panoramic view over the peaks and valleys of the Silvretta group. The way back leads over the western ridge to Fuorcla Spadla. If you still have enough energy left, you can choose to add the approximately 200 metres in altitude to Piz Soèr. Otherwise, you now descend into Val Spadla. At Alp Spadla, you again reach the forest road that takes you back to Sent on the same path. At Alp Telf, you can take the path that leads steeply down across the meadows into the forest and follow the natural road via Marièrs, reaching the reservoir of the municipality and Sent.


#PIZstürmer-Challenge 2021: Become a summit striker again this year. From the beginning of July to mid-October 2021, you will once again receive a regional reward when you climb to the summit. You can find more information at


The tour was assessed in favourable weather conditions, current weather conditions and weather forecasts must be imperatively observed before starting the tour. This hike requires a good sense of direction, surefootedness, hiking boots and Alpine experience.

Emergency call:

144 Emergency call, first aid

1414 Mountain rescue REGA

112 International emergency call


Good shoes, rain and sun protection, water bottle, first aid kit, food and drink


From Sent Sala to the north-eastern village exit of Sent

Via a field road and through a wooded area to Telf

Continue in the direction of Alp Spadla, but beforehand turn right at the fork towards the ridge

Ascent to the ridge

Continue along the ridge to the summit

Return via the west ridge to Fuorcla Spadla

Optional ascent to Piz Soèr

Descent to Val Spadla

At Alp Spadla onto the forest road to Sent


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

  • By Rhaetian Railway (from Chur, Landquart/Prättigau or from the Upper Engadine) hourly to Scuol-Tarasp station.
  • Continue by PostBus to the PostBus stop Sent, Sala

Arrival information

  • From the north: via Landquart - Klosters by car transport through the Vereina Tunnel (Selfranga - Sagliains) or via the Flüela Pass into the Lower Engadine on H27, as far as Sent.
  • From the east: via Landeck / Austria in the direction of Reschenpass, after Martina on the H27 to Crusch and then up to Sent.
  • From the south: via Reschenpass to Martina, there towards St. Moritz on the H27 to Crusch and then up to Sent.


  • Paid parking at the entrance to the village in the underground car park

Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.

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