Gasoline and diesel

Refuel Cheaply in Samnaun

Günstig zollfrei tanken in Samnaun
Thanks to the duty-free status you can fill up cheaply with Super (unleaded 95) and Diesel in Samnaun, as the mineral oil taxes are omitted. In addition to the full tank, a reserve canister with 25 liters (Switzerland) or 10 liters (Austria) of fuel can be carried from Samnaun.

Current fuel price

Diesel from 1.28 from 1.333
Super (Lead-Free 95) from 1.28 from 1.333
Diesel V-Power 1.50 1.562
V-Power 100 1.49 1.552
Status: 6. March 2025 prices (indicative) are subject to change without notice.
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Denoth Handels AG

Shell Denoth Handels AG

Talstrasse 22, 7562 Samnaun-Laret
Tel. +41-81-860 21 35

To the gas station
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Clis Center Tankstelle und Shop

Shell and Alpha Petrol Clis Zollfrei-Center

Talstrasse 80, 7563 Samnaun-Ravaisch
Tel. +41-81-861 81 00

To the gas station
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Migrol Tankstelle Samnaun

Migrol and Socar Eurocenter

Talstrasse 88, 7563 Samnaun-Ravaisch
Tel. +41-81-868 58 81

To the gas station
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Alpina Tankstelle

Alpina gas station

Dorfstrasse 42, 7563 Samnaun Dorf
Tel. +41-81-868 51 22

To the gas station

Opening hours gas stations

Monday - Sunday
7.00 am - 7.00 pm/8.00 pm

On holidays, the gas stations are also open. Most gas stations have a night machine where you can refuel with credit card or cash at any time.