Customs Regulations for your trip home

Good to know
Your personal, used travel goods such as clothes, linen, toiletries, skis, bikes and other sports equipment, cameras, video cameras, cell phones, portable computers, musical instruments and other articles of daily use can be imported without a permit.
Customs Regulations for the EU
Please note that the following information is only an excerpt from the official regulations. This information is not binding. For further details please contact the Guest Information Samnaun or the Customs Office Spiss (Austria), Tel. +43 (0) 512 505 568 940 or on the website of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.
Tobacco Products (minimum age 18 years)
In total:
200 cigarettes or
100 cigarillos or
50 cigars or
250 g tobacco (or proportional selection)
For permanent residents of Austria the following quantity restrictions apply:
40 cigarettes or
20 cigarillos or
10 cigars or
50g tobacco
Alcoholic Beverages (minimum age 17 years)
With an alcohol content by volume of:
Up to 22 %: 2 litres or
Over 22 %: 1 litre plus
Wine (non-sparkling): 4 litres
Beer: 16 litres
Others Products
Goods are free of duty up to a value of 300.- EURO per person (for children under 15 years 175.- EURO). The contents of the car’s fuel tank can be imported duty free. An additional 25 litres of fuel can be imported duty free in a reserve canister when brought in by car or motorcycle. Duty-free imported fuel may only be used in the vehicle in which it was imported.
Customs border district - residence within 15 km as the crow flies from the Austrian customs office: Tobacco products: 250 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 25 grams of tobacco. Alcoholic beverages:
up to 22 vol.% 0.75 litres, over 22 vol.% 0.25 litres and 1 litre of wine (non-sparkling) 1 litre and 2 litres of beer. Other goods: Maximum amount EUR 20.00, of which up to EUR 4.00 food, beer and non-alcoholic beverages.
Exceeding the traveller's allowances for goods imported into the EU
Customs Regulations Switzerland
Valid for persons with main residence in Switzerland
Please note that the list is only an excerpt of the regulations, for further details please contact the Guest Information Samnaun or the Customs Office Martina, Tel. +41-58-480 10 40 or on the website of the Federal Customs Administration.
Tobacco Products (minimum age 18 years)
250 cigarettes or
250 cigars or
250 g smoking tobacco
Alcoholic Beverages (minimum age 17 years)
Up to 18 vol.%: 5 litres
Over 18 vol.%: 1 litre
Other Products
Goods for private use or for gift purposes worth up to CHF 300.00 (from 1 January 2025 CHF 150.00) are duty-free. If the total value of the goods carried exceeds this amount, all goods are subject to duty. A cumulation of the exemption limit for several persons is excluded.
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are also part of the exemption limit, but only in the quantities mentioned. Tax exemptions are granted daily and only for goods (excluding travel goods) which are personally declared for customs treatment when crossing the border.
A duty-free quantity of 1 kilogram applies to meat. There is no distinction between different types of meat. Milk and milk products, eggs, vegetables, fruit and cereals are no longer subject to customs duty.