Also suitable for beginners


Schneeschuhwandern in Samnaun, Schweiz.
In the Samnaun Valley there are two well-marked and secured snowshoe trails, which are also suitable for beginners. The snowshoe hikes are most beautiful when there is fresh snow, when you can be the first to make the trail in the powdery snow. Please note: For the protection of wildlife, the wildlife rest areas may not be entered in winter. Snowshoes can be rented in the Samnaun sports stores.  
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Schneeschuhtouren für Einsteiger in Samnaun, Schweiz.

Short round with beautiful view Snowshoe trail 1 (ST 1)

This trail starts in Samnaun village at Motnaida and leads towards Clis (Ravaisch) and then back to Samnaun village. Above Riva there is a small climb to the beginning.
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Schneeschuhlaufen in Samnaun, Schweiz.

Small, fine trail along the Schergenbach stream Snowshoe Trail 2 (ST 2)

This trail starts in Samnaun-Ravaisch below the valley road at the Tirana apartment and leads parallel along the Schergenbach stream slightly downhill to Samnaun-Laret.

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Januar Quadrat

Geführte Schneeschuh-Wanderung

Die eigene Spur in das glitzernde Weiss ziehen - abseits präparierter Pisten und Wege und weit weg von der Alltagshektik? Eine fantastische Führung mit unseren Samnauner Skilehrer*innen.

Die Schneeschuh-Wanderung hier buchen