Silvretta Ski Arena Samnaun/Ischgl

Ski pass prices in Samnaun

Samnaun Skipass
Here you find the ski pass prices in the Silvretta Ski-Arena Samnaun/Ischgl. The ski pass is always valid for the entire ski arena. 

The price examples are with the guest card Samnaun or Spiss, which is already given by the host from the first overnight stay. Only guests with the Samnaun or Spiss guest card receive the VIP ski pass at a reduced price. The ski pass is available directly at the ticket office at the valley station of the mountain railways as well as from numerous hosts in the Samnaun valley.

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Neue Visnitzbahn N1

New! Skipass online shop

You can now buy your ski pass in Samnaun online.

To the shop
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New from winter 2025/26: IKON PASS

Samnaun/Ischgl is a member of the IKON PASS from winter 2025/26. 60 ski resorts worldwide can be discovered with the international ski pass alliance.




Operating times winter season 2024/25

The ski season starts on Thursday, 28 November 2024 and lasts until Sunday, 4 May 2025: 158 days of pure winter fun!

* VIP ski pass children: rates from 10 to 16 years inclusive, children under 10 receive the ski pass free of charge when accompanied by a parent.
** Senior rates from 65 years; from 80 years the children's rate applies.

VIP-ski-pass Samnaun/Ischgl in CHF 2024/25

Adults Children* Seniors**
1 day 76.00 47.50 76.00
2 day 145.00 89.50 145.00
3 day 210.00 126.00 210.00
4 day 263.00 158.00 250.00
5 day 315.00 189.00 284.00
6 day 344.50 207.00 315.00
7 day 389.50 233.50 351.00
8 day 426.00 255.50 384.00
9 day 461.00 277.00 416.50
10 day 496.00 298.00 448.00
11 day 531.00 318.50 479.50
12 day 565.00 339.00 508.50
13 day 592.50 355.50 533.50
14 day 615.50 369.50 554.00
1 additional day 66.00 39.50 66.00
1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 day 8 day 9 day 10 day 11 day 12 day 13 day 14 day 1 additional day
Adults 76.00 145.00 210.00 263.00 315.00 344.50 389.50 426.00 461.00 496.00 531.00 565.00 592.50 615.50 66.00
Children* 47.50 89.50 126.00 158.00 189.00 207.00 233.50 255.50 277.00 298.00 318.50 339.00 355.50 369.50 39.50
Seniors** 76.00 145.00 210.00 250.00 284.00 315.00 351.00 384.00 416.50 448.00 479.50 508.50 533.50 554.00 66.00
Can be purchased immediately after the expiry of a ski pass of 6 days or more.
VIP subscription Adults Children* Seniors**
5 in 7 days
325.00 195.00 292.50
10 in 14 days
536.50 322.00 483.00
VIP subscription 5 in 7 days 10 in 14 days
325.00 536.50
195.00 322.00
292.50 483.00
15-30 days: Prices on request at +41 81 861 86 04

NEW FROM NOVEMBER 2024 // Buy your ski pass conveniently online in the webshop at

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Samnaun Winter Tarife

All tariffs

In this PDF there is an overview of all tariffs with or without guest card as well as the VIP packages, pedestrian tickets and season tickets.

All tariffs winter 2024/25

Musella valley lift in Samnaun village

If you are just discovering skiing for yourself, the first "sliding attempts" on the Musellahang in Samnaun village are recommended. The Samnaun ski schools will be happy to advise you on the right lessons for you. Several "magic carpets" and the Musella platter lift are available to winter sports newcomers for a gentle introduction to skiing.

Tallift Musellahang in Samnaun Dorf.
The Musellalift is included with the mountain railway ski ticket.

Tariffs Tallift Musella in CHF 2024/25

Adults/Seniors Children
1/2 day 15.00 10.00
1 day 20.00 15.00
1/2 day 1 day
Adults/Seniors 15.00 20.00
Children 10.00 15.00

Travelling on foot with the railroads

If you are on foot or with snowshoes in the Silvretta Arena, you will receive a pedestrian ticket. You have the choice between the pedestrian ticket valid for the double-decker cable car L1 and the Sattelbahn N6 or the smuggler ticket, which is a day ticket for pedestrians and takes you all the way to Ischgl. 

There are two great winter hiking trails marked in the ski area with lots of views of the mountain panorama in the Dreiländereck: 

Pedestrian tariffs in CHF2024/25

valid for the following railroads Adults/Seniors Children
Uphill and downhill L1/L2 and N6 31.50 19.50
5 x ascent and descent L1/L2 and N6 116.50 61.00
Pedestrian day ticket for the one-time trip Samnaun - Ischgl retour L1/L2, N6, N1, B2, B8, A1/A2/A3 51.50 25.00
Uphill and downhill 5 x ascent and descent Pedestrian day ticket for the one-time trip Samnaun - Ischgl retour
valid for the following railroads L1/L2 and N6 L1/L2 and N6 L1/L2, N6, N1, B2, B8, A1/A2/A3
Adults/Seniors 31.50 116.50 51.50
Children 19.50 61.00 25.00