In Samnaun

Summer experiences

Mit der Gästekarte Samnaun sind die Bergbahnen im Sommer inklusive.
The Samnaun Valley is a wonderful place in Graubünden for wonderful panoramic hikes, fast-paced mountain bike tours and diverse experiences for families. Let yourself be inspired.
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Bei diesem Ausblick vergisst man alle Sorgen

Promising Hiking

Enjoy wonderful views and insights while hiking in Samnaun and the surrounding mountains of the Silvretta.

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Ischgl Ironbike

Rapid descents Mountainbiken

On newly created bike trails it goes varied and fast down into the valley. Thanks to the guest card, the use of the mountain railroad is included - for a carefree start to your mountain bike day.

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Hoch hinaus mit den Bergbahnen in Samnaun

Mountain railroads Samnaun

The first meters in altitude are the most strenuous. Thanks to the double-decker cable car, you can get from Samnaun-Ravaisch directly to Alp Trider Sattel, where scenic hiking and biking tours begin.

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Kletter- und Boulderpark Samnaun

For beginners, families and professionals Climbing & Bouldering

The climbing garden is located in the middle of the mountain panorama of the Silvretta Arena and offers different rocks for every skill level. 

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Fun for big & small Play disc golf

Playing golf with a Frisbee. The whole family will get their money's worth in the new disc golf course.

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Fitnesstraining im Zurich vitaparcours in Samnaun.

Do something for health Zurich vitaparcours

In the well-maintained Zurich vitaparcours, various fitness stations are available to you in the middle of soothing nature. Do something for your health!

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Perfektes Wetter für eine Motorradtour

Ideal starting point in the border triangle Motorcycling

Samnaun is located directly in the border triangle of Switzerland, Austria and Italy and is the perfect starting point. Thanks to the duty-free status you can refuel gasoline and diesel cheaply.

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Good thermal conditions Slope sailing

Thanks to the good thermal conditions and two runways, Samnaun is an ideal place for slope gliders. Have a good flight!

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The fun for the whole family Monster-Trotti

Have you ever ridden a scooter? With the Monster Trotti it's even more fun and thanks to the lifts you can get to the starting point very comfortably.

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Wandern & Biken in Samnaun

Environmentally conscious Sustainable summer holidays

We offer you various options for sustainable holidays in Samnaun.

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Skyfly Ischgl

Almost like flying SKYFLY Fimbatal

Was für ein aufregender Spass! Gleiten Sie 50 Meter über dem Boden hängend talwärts in Richtung Ischgl.

What exciting fun! Hang 50 metres above the ground and glide downhill towards Ischgl.

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Varied trail running routes at the Terra Raetica Trails-Tour Festival.
Varied trail running routes at the Terra Raetica Trails-Tour Festival.

Alpine running experience Trailrunning in Samnaun

Trail running in Samnaun is an alpine nature experience with varied trails at different altitudes, from the high valley to impressive mountain peaks.

With the mountain railway you can reach an ideal starting point for varied tours in a short time.

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For shining children's eyes Wooden ball track on the Alptrider saddle

The wooden ball rolls through the ball track and through various obstacles, time passes in a flash while playing.

The wooden ball track is located directly at the mountain station of the double-decker cable car on the Alp Trider Sattel. Both the balls and the ball track itself are made of wood. The wooden balls pass through various obstacles. Your children will be thrilled and forget the time watching the wooden balls.

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Mit der Gästekarte Samnaun sind die Bergbahnen im Sommer inklusive.

All inclusive Samnaun Guest Card Summer

Experience the holiday region at its best with the guest card! Get on board & enjoy.

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Samnaun Familien Kinder
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Experiences for young and old

Family vacation

For families Samnaun offers a variety of experiences that will thrill you. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the fairy tale trail or take a rapid descent with the monster scooters.

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Käse aus der Samnauner Sennerei

Genussreich Bergrestaurants Sommer

Typische Schweizer & Tiroler Gerichte geniessen Sie ab 2.000 HM mit wunderschöner Aussicht auf die Berwelt in den gastfreundlichen Bergrestaurants.

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