30 November 2024

3rd Smuggler Trophy

Schmuggler an Schmuggler-Trophy
The season-opening event «Smuggler Trophy» take place for the third time on 30 November 2024. The participating teams have to smuggle «smuggler bags» on skis between Switzerland and Austria in the Silvretta Ski Arena Samnaun/Ischgl.


Watch Die Schmuggler-Trophy (2022) on YouTube.
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Here you can find the registration for the «3rd Smuggler Trophy» 2024.

To the registration
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2. Schmuggler-Trophy


The regulations for the 30th Smuggler Trophy will be communicated in the near future. 

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Review of the 2nd «Smuggler Trophy»

The history of smugglers takes us back to the past: in exchange for butter, cheese, furs and cloth from the Paznaun valley, the people of Samnaun traded coffee, sugar, nylon stockings, flour and tobacco. Sugar (saccharin) was smuggled from Switzerland to Austria and Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The participating smuggling teams, consisting of 2 to 4 people, followed the tracks of the legendary smugglers of yesteryear. The teams smuggled goods between Alp Trida and Paznauner Thaya. Tricky tasks, coordination skills and lots of fun on the slopes awaited the teams. In the process, the teams repeatedly encountered customs officers who wanted to confiscate the smuggled goods, and accomplices who assisted in the smuggling.



Information about the history can be found on our website