Mit dem «1850 Samnaun» haben wir ein Bier geschaffen, welches in gesamten Samnauntal erhältlich ist. Es ist ein süffiges und charaktervolles Bier. Pro verkaufter Flasche fliessen 52 Rappen in ein touristisches Infrastruktur-Projekt.
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After already securing a silver medal in the team event at the Ski World Championships in Saalbach (Austria) on February 4, Thomas Tumler did it again last Friday: With a brilliant performance in the giant slalom, the Samnaun ski racer sensationally claimed his second World Championship silver medal, making him a double vice world champion.
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Melissa Naschenweng at the 35th International Spring Snow Festival in Samnaun
On Saturday, 26 April 2025, we welcome the Carinthian and thoroughbred musician Melissa Naschenweng at the 35th International Spring Snow Festival on Alp Trida.
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From summer 2025, the Silvretta Bike Arena Samnaun/Ischgl will also be part of the offer. With a season ticket, you can enjoy unlimited access to 30 first-class bike parks in seven countries.
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Hier steht der Samnauner Dialekt im Vordergrund und der Kalender kann über mehrere Jahre genutzt werden. Auf jedem Monatsblatt ist ein QR-Code integriert, welcher auf die entsprechende Internetseite führt. Dort können die einzelnen Wörter und Sätze auf Samnaunerisch im Originalton abgehört werden. Die Kalender werden in der Gäste-Information Samnaun, Denoth Handels AG und Gemeinde Samnaun verkauft.
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After three years of construction, Councillor Carmelia Maissen officially opened the Val Alpetta tunnel to traffic on 4 November 2024. The tunnel was built as part of the extension of the Samnaun road and is the second of a total of four tunnel projects. The two remaining tunnels, Val Cotschna and Val Mundin, are due to be completed in the next few years.
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Samnaun/Ischgl among the best ski resorts worldwide, the world's largest test portal for ski resorts, has awarded the Samnaun/Ischgl ski resort 4.8 out of 5 stars. This makes it one of the 5-star ski resorts and one of the top 5 worldwide.
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We congratulate Bernd Fabian on receiving the "Chef of the Month" award from Gault-Millau.
Head chef Bernd provides culinary superlatives and serves up a wide variety of delicacies with his team of several chefs. A wide variety of masterful combinations are served. The collaboration between him and his team is characterised by his wealth of ideas and perfect implementation.
To the portrait on
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Top 10 für Appartement Panorama Samnaun beim HolidayCheck 2025
Beim HolidayCheck-Award 2025 haben es auch dieses Jahr wieder drei Hotels aus der Ferienregion Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair in die Kategorie Top 10 geschafft.
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In order for the wild animals to hibernate well during the cold season, it is important to observe the game rest zones. This way, the game remains undisturbed in its natural environment.
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