The sculptor of Samnaun
Helmut Tschiderer combines passion and profession

From cook to sculptor - from Tyrol to Samnaun
For many years Helmut worked in his skilled profession as a cook. Today he still helps out occasionally at the Hotel Des Alpes. His occupation was also the reason why he came to Samnaun in 2001. In his free time, the Tyrolean has always been artistically active. Helmut made his first craft experiences at the age of four or five, when he cut his fingers.

An unconscious talent
Helmut Tschiderer was not aware of his talent right from the start. This only became clear to him when it was pointed out to him by a friend: While waiting for the same, the young Helmut was busy with a drawing as a gift for his brother. His friend asked in amazement if he had drawn the drawing in the short waiting time. Thus Helmut was made aware of his talent.

Palpable enthusiasm
Helmut Tschiderer always enjoys his artistic work. Sculpture is his life, because at least mentally he is at sculpture seven days a week. Helmut's passion for his activities is clearly noticeable in his works of art as well as in his stories. At the vacation tip "carving and stone carving" he passes on his enthusiasm to the guests.

Handicraft lessons with Helmut
In cooperation with the Samnaun Upper School, Helmut Tschiderer carries out projects in the handicraft lessons, for example the carving of a traditional mask, to his delight. After only a short time, the students show enthusiasm, which can be seen from the fact that they work until the school bell rings. Helmut is pleased with the appreciation he receives for his commitment.

Flamingos in the winter sports resort of Samnaun
Helmut created seven "flamingos in the snow" in January 2017. The birds were on the snow-covered bank of the Schergenbach in Samnaun-Ravaisch, directly opposite the ski slope. The flamingos in the snow were a popular photo subject with ski guests. Now the flamingos can be found further out of the valley in Samnaun-Laret at the confluence of the Milbach and the Schergenbach at the alpine dairy.

Out and about in Samnaun's nature in winter and summer
In his free time, Helmut can be found riding his e-bike in the summer and skiing in the winter. For him, riding an e-bike is like a voyage of discovery. In addition, he relaxes several times a week in winter at the Alpenquell adventure pool with a visit to the sauna or while swimming. Likewise, as a former chef, Helmut enjoys the top gastronomy in the Samnaun Valley, which he appreciates.
More about the artist Helmut Tschiderer

Artistic career and successes
A few years after the education as a cook, Helmut began an additional course at the age of 34: He completed an apprenticeship as a wood and stone sculptor, which he was able to finance partly by selling his works of art. In addition, Helmut worked for six years as a lecturer for chainsaw carving at a private school in Elbigenalp in the Austrian Lechtal.
Among his successes is Tschiderer's book «Schnitzen mit der Motorsäge» (Carving with the chainsaw), published in 2019. In it he deals with the basics and safety of handling the chainsaw and gives step-by-step explanations of workpieces. Helmut Tschiderer presented his works of art at exhibitions in Samnaun, Ftan in the Lower Engadin, Austria, South Tyrol and London.

The Nature as impulse
Helmut finds inspiration in nature as well as in his feeling. For example, he discovers beautiful shapes and lines in the sand during a walk on the beach. The forest is also marked by lines and tracks after the rain, which Helmut uses to construct new ideas.
In his work Helmut likes to play with lines and surfaces. Many new ideas can be drawn from lines. His art is characterised by organic forms. By this Tschiderer understands the twists and tensions visible in the plant world, such as in a leaf. The golden section is also part of this, which characterises every leaf and living being. The female torso is also often recognisable in his works of art.
Lack of ideas – Tschiderer does not know this. On the contrary: he never runs out of creativity for new projects. Helmut works according to the motto «Act by feeling», what leads to successful results. His ambition is not to create perfect bodies or objects, but to find the form – combined with rotation and tension. His work is like the exploration of something unknown: during his work he always finds new ideas, inspirations and insights.
Diverse works of art are created
Tschiderer works according to his own ideas, but he also carries out customer orders. The orders, which are worked out on the basis of a discussion, are often wooden objects, which are created with a chainsaw.

Tschiderer's representation of Corona
Helmut also finds situations like Covid-19 inspiring, so he created the Corona sculpture that fits this theme for him: the screws on the head represent the "typical" representation of Corona in the media, the green, purulent, slimy color of the shirt is a symbol of infection, the red pants as a danger symbol and the black tie as mourning for the deceased.
Sculptor and artist for life
Helmut's wish is to continue working as a sculptor and artist for a long time and to be able to make a living from it. A cooperation with a gallery is also desirable for Tschiderer. However, one does not find a gallery as an artist, but the artist is found by the gallery.
Text: Selina Vincenz
Photos: Selina Vincenz, Helmut Tschiderer