Favourite sounds in Samnaun and the Lower Engadine
Musical voyage of discovery part 3
From marmot whistling to fawn rescue, cowbells, bike adventures, culinary highlights, clock ticking, mineral water showers, popping corks and much more.
Our third voyage of discovery started in Samnaun with the most frequently mentioned favourite sound, namely the whistling of the marmots. We were also able to record Martin's favourite sound, the drone noise during a fawn rescue. The sound of cowbells in our holiday region was also cited by many as a favourite sound, which is why we were able to record them at Christian's picturesque pasture. On our trip, our hitting skills were also put to the test on the disc golf course so that we could record Bernhard's favourite sound. Afterwards, we went on a bike tour together with Jasmin. After lots of adventure, our journey continued in Samnaun with a culinary highlight at the Sonnenhotel Soldanella-Sonneck and Marie-Louise's favourite sound - toasting with wine glasses in the wine cellar of Chasa Montanas. We concluded our trip in Samnaun with Danilo's favourite sound, the ticking of the clock in the Hangl Uhren & Schmuck Jägerhüsli. Before we started the ascent to the highlight of our trip to present the piece of music, we were able to discover Jon Domenic's favourite sound at the Funtana Cotschna in the Lower Engadine and round off our journey of discovery with a glass of Prosecco at the Hotel Belvedere in Scuol. Our next trip will take us up to the Lischana hut - for the presentation of our piece of music made from your favourite sounds.