
Büvetta Sfondraz

Büvetta Sfondraz

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Essen in der Buvetta Sfondraz
Simple but fine dishes with a magnificent view of the Inn - that's the way to enjoy time at the «Büvetta Sfondraz».


The «Büvetta Sfondraz» is frequented by fishermen, hikers, artists from the nearby Nairs Art Centre, senior citizens and families. You can reach the "Büvetta Sfondraz" either via the mineral water path from Scuol, or you can park your car at the Carola spring in Nairs after the old bridge in the direction of Vulpera/Tarasp and walk along the short footpath to the drinking hall.


Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

  • There is no bus connection to the «Büvetta Sfondraz».
  • From Scuol on foot along the Inn or by bike via Alte Kantonsstrasse.


  • From Scuol in the direction of Zernez.
  • Turn left to Nairs (near Scuol Palace).
  • The car can be parked at the Carola Quelle in Nairs after the old bridge in the direction of Vulpera/Tarasp.
  • Then follow the short footpath to the drinking hall.


  • Parking available in front of Chasa Carola in Nairs.


Büvetta Sfondraz

Büvetta Sfondraz, 7550 Scuol

Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.

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