Free Parking

Parking in Samnaun

Samnaun parken
In Samnaun all parking spaces are available to you free of charge. Simply leave your car in a car park and enjoy the duty-free shopping or a trip to the surrounding mountains.


All customer car parks of the duty-free shops, restaurants and other businesses in Samnaun are of course free of charge! The following public parking spaces are also available free of charge:

Parking lot in Samnaun Dorf

Car park Riva
57 Parkflächen
Ortseinfahrt, Dorfstrasse

Car park Musella
170 Parkflächen
Am Schergenbach, Musellastrasse

Car park Votlas
103 Parkflächen
Val Maisas, Votlasstrasse

Parking lot in Samnaun-Ravaisch

Car park Bergbahnen
250 Parkflächen
Talstation Gondelbahn, Bergbahnstrasse 

Parking lot in Samnaun-Laret

Car park Sennerei 
Ortseinfahrt Samnaun-Laret 

Parking lot in Samnaun-Compatsch

Car park am Schulhaus
Schulstrasse / Alpenquellweg

Parking lot in Samnaun Plan

Car park am Dorfeingang 
Talstrasse / Ortseinfahrt Samnaun-Plan 

Kostenlose Parkplätze - In Samnaun parken