Samnaun-Zeblasjoch-Alp Trida Round Tour

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Emergency call:
144 Emergency call, first aid
1414 Mountain rescue REGA
112 International emergency call
Show consideration when crossing and overtaking hikers. Most of the mountain bike routes in Graubünden run on single trails that are also signposted as hiking trails. Hikers always have the right of way.
Forest road into Val Musauna to the Zeblas meadows (2404m) and onto the Zeblasjoch (2539m)
Over the ridge around the Palinkopf
Continue to the Salaaserkopf and along the ridge to the Greitspitz to the Viderjoch
From Viderjoch enduro trail to Alp Trida (possibility: detour to the panorama restaurant Alp Trider Sattel)
From Alp Trida follow the forest road back to the valley
Alternatively, from Alp Trida take the chairlift to Alp Trida Sattel and the cable car to Samnaun Ravaisch.
Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
- With the Rhaetian Railway (from Chur, Landquart/Prättigau or from the Upper Engadine) hourly to Scuol-Tarasp station.
- Continue by PostBus to Samnaun-Dorf, post office.
- In Samnaun during the day hourly service with the Samnaunbus
Arrival information
- From the north: via Landquart - Klosters by car transport through the Vereina Tunnel (Selfranga - Sagliains) or via the Flüela Pass into the Lower Engadine on H27, from Vinadi turn left towards Samnaun.
- From the east: via Landeck / Austria in the direction of Reschenpass on the B180, from Kajetansbrücke in the direction of Spiss - Samnaun on the L348
- From the south: via Reschenpass to Kajetansbrücke, there direction Spiss - Samnaun on the L348
- Free public car park Chasa Riva at the village entrance in Samnaun village.
- Free public car park Votlas at the Hotel Bündnerhof (guidance zone L)
Verantwortlich für diesen Inhalt Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.

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